Each year the Waconia Lions Club operate a sweet corn and brat stand at the Carver county Fairgrounds. All proceeds go to the community projects and donations.
This is a ALL HANDS ON DECK project as the club requires Club members to participate in this event to cover all of the days at the fair.
it is a fun event and a great way to get to know other club members.
We offer brats, sweet corn, water, and lemonade to Carver County fairgoers for what we believe to be an incredible price. We could charge more and make more money, but we believe the cheaper prices is another way that we ” Give Back”.
2025 Carver County Fair:
August 6th – 10th
- We are open all day
- and all night.
- The fresh corn is delivered each morning
- and husked all day as needed.
- Closed up and getting ready for next year.