The Waconia Lions Club hosted an event to help the Carver County parks CLEAN UP CONEY ISLAND.
In order for the Carver County parks to open a park to the public on Coney Island, there was much cleanup that had to be done.
In October of 2021, the Waconia Lions hosted the first Clean Up Coney event. All of the Lions clubs in Carver County were invited to come and help clean up the island. We had members of the Cologne Lions and the Waconia Dandy Lions help with this clean up effort.
During this event the clubs cleaned out the remnants from a couple of the old building sites and also planted 140 sumac.
Again in June 2022, on one of the hottest days of the year, the Waconia Lions club hosted the second of these events. On this evening we cleaned up additional building sites, again with the help of the Cologne Lions and the Waconia Dandy Lions.
On September 230th, 2023 the Waconia lions Club again hosted the Island cleanup. We cut wood and planted trees, again with the help of the Cologne Lions and the Waconia Dandy Lions.
Thanks to all that could help!
- Welcome!
- 2021 Volunteer Crew
- Waconis Dandy Lions
- Planting 140 Sumac Trees
- 2021 Cleanup Results
- 2022 Volunteer Crew
- 2022 Cleanup
- 2022 Cleanup Results
- Lions Members provided boats to get to and from the island
- 2022 Waconia Lions provided lunch for all of the volunteers