Donation Request
Lions support Worthy Causes
Know of a great cause within the Waconia community that can use the help of the Waconia Lions? We’d like to know about it! Download and complete the Donation Request Application.
Mail the completed form to:
Waconia Lions Club
ATTN: Donations Committee
PO Box 21
Waconia, MN 55387
Read the donation request protocol for more information on the processing and handling of donation requests.
Donation Request Protocol
To initiate a donation request process with the Waconia Lions the requester must submit the details of their request in a formal letter. This letter can be submitted via either e-mail or normal mail. Letters submitted electronically via e-mail can be sent directly to the Donations Committee Chair.

The requirements and evaluation process for donation requests are as follows:
- Request must be submitted in writing
- Must be recommended by the Donations Committee to proceed
- No presentation is required
- Approved or denied by a Board of Directors vote immediately after review
- Approved donations are communicated to General Membership during the regular meeting
- Results are communicated to the requester by the Donations Committee Chair